Sarva Seva Sangh

(All India Sarvodaya Mandal)
(Estd.: March, 1948)

India became independent in 1947. Immediately thereafter Mahatma Gandhi wanted to unite all constructive workers engaged in different fields in the country to achieve Swaraj based on the philosophy of Sarvodaya. For this purpose a meeting was called on 2nd February, 1948 at Sevagram, Wardha, Maharastra. But on 30th January, 1948, an unfortunate event had taken him away from us for ever.

To fulfil the idea of Gandhiji, all prominent leaders of the country namely, Vinobaji, Kishorilalji Mashruwala, J.C. Kumarappa, Acharya Kakasaheb Kalelkar, Shrikrishnadasji Jaju, Aryanayakam Couple, Jayaprakash Narayan etc assembled at Sevagram, Wardha on March, 1948. This meeting was also attended by Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and Dr. Rajendra Prasad. It had been decided in the meeting to form Sarvodaya Samaj and Sarva Seva Sangh to carry out constructive programmes of Gandhiji in the direction of Swaraj. Thus Sarva Seva Sangh came into existence in April, 1948 after merging five constructive organizations e.g., Akhil Bharat Charkha Sangh, Akhil Bharat Gram Udyod Sangh, Akhil Bharat Go Seva Sangh, Hindustani Talimi Sangh & Mahrogi Sava Mandal.

Aim of the Sarva Seva Sangh

The aim of the Sarva Seva Sangh is to usher in a social order based on truth and non-violence infused by human and democratic values which are free from exploitation, tyranny, immorality or injustice and which offer enough scope for human personality development.

With a view to attaining this aim, the Sangh shall always keep itself entirely aloof from the competition for acquisition of political power for itself. It will endeavour to develop and establish a democracy not based on party politics but on the people’s policy (Lok-Niti). Such a society will rule out any distinction based on caste, creed, community, race, class, sex, colour, language or boundary, etc. It will endeavour to develop a way of life in which equality and partnership among the people continually increase, eradicate class distinctions, to terminate differences, and to eliminate capital-labour frictions, and promote a decentralised economic system in which Khadi, village industries, agriculture and cattle farming will become the chief modes of economic activities.

The Sangh, through its programmes, will generate the lofty ideals of peace, love, compassion and justice for all. Within the limitations of non-violence, the Sangh will create Lok Shakti in order to Establish Sarvodaya, and through total revolution, it will take up constructive programmes adopting Satyagraha measures when and where it become necessary.
(i) Every District Sarvodaya Mandal will have two representatives. One among them will be the Convenor or President and the other representative will be elected either unanimously or by consensus, at a general meeting of all the Loksevaks of the district.
(ii) The President of the Sarva Seva Sangh may nominate some members, the total number of such members not to exceed 10% of the total strenght as indicated in (i) above.


Any person who is not less than 18 years of age and who agrees to the basic tenets for a Loksevak and fills in and signs the membership form can enroll himself as Loksevak provided that his or her form is endorsed by two existing members of at least two years, standing.

Pledge of the Loksevak

  • I have understood well, the aims and objects of the Sarva Seva Sangh. I declare that I have full faith in them.
  • I accept truth, non-violence, productive physical labour and equality as values of life. I shall do regularly endeavour to bring them into action in my personal life as well as in the social life. For my clothes I use only certified Khadi. I shall not indulge in untouchability.
  • I firmly believe that ‘Lokniti’ alone can usher in real democracy and that will bestow real freedom to every individual. With this end in view I shall neither enroll myself as a member of any political party nor shall I ever be a competitor for any position of power. I shall ever make efforts for safeguarding and establishing the basic values of democracy.
  • Keeping in mind the last man, I shall render my selfless services to the best of my ability in the interest of the society. I shall never resort to foul means for attaining any objective.
  • I shall be ever ready to oppose untruth and injustice.
  • I shall give some time regularly for my study.
  • I shall contribute annually Rs. 25.00 or six hanks of yarn (six gundi soot) towards membership fees of the Sangh.

Sarvodaya Mitra

Any person having faith in the fundamental values of truth and non-violence and having faith in the aims, objects and programmes of the Sarva Seva Sangh can become a Sarvodaya Mitra. In token of his faith, he will subscribe annually 10 rupees to the District Sarvodaya Mandal. If there is no District Sarvodaya Mandal, he will pay it to the State Sarvodaya Mandal or to the Sarva Seva Sangh.

Sarvodaya Mandal

(a) The Primary (Prathamik) Sarvodaya Mandal : An organised unit of at least five Loksevaks working in a particular area will be named as ‘Prathmik’.
(b) District Sarvodaya Mandal : 25 or more Lok Sevakas in a district may come together and form the District Sarvodaya Mandal; or if there are 10 Lok Sevaks and at least 15 Sarvodaya Mitras, a District Sarvodaya Mandal may be formed. A City Sarvodaya Mandal may be formed for a city having a population of ten lakhs or more. (A City Sarvodaya Mandal will have the same status as District Sarvodaya Mandal.)
(c) State Sarvodaya Mandal : The Convenors or the Presidents and one more representative from each district will constitute a ‘State Sarvodaya Mandal’.
Subject to the policy and procedure laid down by the Sarva Seva Sangh from time to time, Primary, District, City and State Sarvodaya Mandals will be free to decide their day-to-day method of working and rules and regulations.

Sarvodaya Samaj

The Sarvodaya Samaj was formed in the conference of constructive workers held on the 13th March, 1948 at Sevagram

Aim : To strive for realisation of the vision of a social order which is casteless and classless, and in which no one has opportunity to exploit anyone and in which both individuals and society blossom to their fullest growth, based on truth and non-violence.

Basic Tenet : Adherence to purity of both means and end.

Work Management : Maintaining register of workers, to maintain-written correspondence with national and international followers. The Sarvodaya Samaj, the nominated body of Sarva Seva Sangh management body shall independently from time to time issue essential notifications regarding the Sarvodaya-Day, Sarvodaya-Fair and the meetings of the Sarvodaya
1. Bhoodaan- Gramdaan, Jivan Daan & Kupdaan
The Gramadaan is the most creative thought coming from the east in recent times.
2. Peace work amongst communal, linguistic and political violence
Wide spread communal violence had ingulf India during days of independence. Many peace camps were organized amongst displaced from Pakistan and subsequently refugees from Bangladesh during it’s freedom movement.
During linguistic violence in Bengal-Assam, Maharastra-Karnataka etc sangh worked for peace and harmony.



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